Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ROUND ONE - Conscious Eating

Activities for Conscious Eating Cycle – February 19th – March 4th

These are just suggested activities for you to choose from over the next two weeks. You are not meant to do them all, just what suits you. Share what you try on your blog or with a colleague. Send us your ideas – what works, what doesn’t. Try at least two.

Activity 1. Stop When Full. Just like hunger, you can practice recognizing fullness. You don't have to be a member of the Clean Plate Club! Every ¼ of your plate follow these steps; - Put down your fork- Close your eyes- Take 3-5 deep breaths- Place your hand on abdomen and focus on stomach pouch (internally)- Notice- Ask yourself - Am I full? How full am I?

Activity 2 . Adjust your Portion Size. Check out these 10 smart tips for controlling your portions: . Or if you want the Marth Stewart approach, check out which features dinner plates with flower designs. Each flower is the size that your portion should be!

Activity 3. Try not to eat after 8pm or 2 hours before you go to bed.

Activity 4. Everything you wanted to know about being Vegetarian: Download your free Vegetarian Starter Kit from the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine. This respected organization is led by the well-known Dr. Neal Barnard, author of the Program for Reversing Diabetes and Eat Right, Live Longer.

Activity 5. Take a nutrition quiz like the ones offered on (
You can test your knowledge about your knowledge about antioxidants, calories, food labels, low carbs etc.or test your knowledge about healthy fast food options at

Activity 6. Watch a health related video or DVD. The following are just suggestions – you may watch one of your choosing and record it on your log:

Suggested Videos
Diet for a New America
Supersize Me
Fast Food Nation
How to Cook Your Life: a cooking class with Zen priest and chef Edward Espe Brown
(or choose one of your own and tell us what you chose)

Eat More, Weigh Less by Dean Ornish
Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe
Dr Macdougalls’ Digestive Tune-up
Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston
Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld
Eat Right, Live Longer by Dr. Neal Barnard
Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes

Activity 7. Try a different approach to breakfast. Toms River staff: remember the smoothies we had at kick-off? Try making one for breakfast. It’s so delicious and good for you, and making it at home will save some money! My typical smoothie contains bananas, frozen strawberries, vanilla rice milk and a scoop of Peaceful Planet protein powder. Create your own with either soy, rice or almond milk, one or two bananas, and the frozen fruit of your choice. You can also add your own flavored protein powders, yogurt (regular or soy) or juice.

Remember, this is “Conscious Eating,” not dieting. Just say no to that Dunkin Donut or Fried Egg Sandwich and try a healthier breakfast for a change! For example, if you usually grab a bagel with cream cheese and latte at Starbucks for breakfast, opt for a regular coffee or tea and choose the oatmeal with fruit or raisins instead.

Activity 8. Eat one low-fat vegetarian meal a day for a week in place of a typical high-in-fat-and-cholesterol meal. Been wanting to try a veggie burger? Go for it (just watch salt content, soy allergies, etc. if you have any dietary restrictions). Try one of the delicious and easy recipes from the site Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine:
Or try the Vegetarian Resource Group’s recipe site:

Helpful Websites - Many members of the Health and Wellness Challenge already use this site and suggested we list it. It is a good online site for those looking for assistance with their diet. Check it out. - This is the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine’s health and diet section. Explore nutrition’s role in fighting such illnesses as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. Good information on the benefits of a vegetarian diet including recipes. Also in Spanish. - Tips and tricks for hungry chicks! Not professional, but pretty – written by a “hungry girl” just like most of us (sorry, guys!) who are dealing with the same issues. Good for moral support and fun! - Here is one for the guys. Be aware, it is a very commercial site and there is a wide variety of info here. - The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism and the interrelated issues of health, nutrition, ecology, ethics, and world hunger. Easy recipes, menus for diabetics, kids and more.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Let's Get Started!

To all Health & Wellness challenge Participants:

Round One of the Health & Wellness Challenge begins Thursday February 19th. The focus will be on Conscious Eating. In the meantime, all participants should be thinking about and setting long term goals.

Because the Challenge will run for forty weeks, you need to think about where you want to be at the end. That seems like a lifetime away, but you know what they say: “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. –Lao-tzu”

Take a few minutes and visualize yourself, 10 months from now. What will you look like? How will you have changed, inside and out? Write a few things down. You can post them in plain view, or file them away for safe keeping. The important thing is that you take the time to think ahead. Then, let your Team Leader know that you made your goals. You can decide whether or not you want to share all of them. We suggest that you do share some of them, so others may help you reach them.

Good luck!