Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ROUND FIVE - Workplace Stress

Many of you have seen the recent New York Times article about a rise in stressful situations in public libraries. We are busier then ever, and our customers are experiencing high levels of anxiety.

Now, more than ever, we need to work on managing workplace stress.

Since this round is off to a late start, try to pick one or two of the following activities. Round Six will be posted on or around May 1st.

1. This article has been shared with library managers. Ask that stress be a topic at your next branch/department staff meeting, so your work group can brainstorm some ideas to reduce stress at work.

2. Read this entry from the Facts on File Encyclopedia of Work-Related Illnesses, Injuries, and Health Issues. Take the SELF-TEST: HOW STRESSFUL IS YOUR JOB?

3. Try one of the following activities suggested from this article on burnout:
  • Try to sit down and identify three major ways you could improve your job or home situation. Write them down, and list the steps you will need to take. Commit to making the changes.
  • Give up what you can. Put aside extra work, projects, and volunteer time for a few months. Give yourself a break. Just say "No."
  • Vow to get some form of recreation or exercise daily. Take a walk, ride a bike, throw a frisbee, or play golf, or other fun activities.
  • Identify 15 small things that give you pleasure. Write them down. Pick one each day, and do it. Read that book, take that nap, visit your friend, or see that movie.
  • Focus on one thing you are grateful for each day when you wake up, and again when you go to sleep.
  • Get out of your rut. Plan a surprise picnic, or a moonlight hike.
  • Try yoga, deep breathing, or other relaxation techniques.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet, and take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement daily.
  • Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol.

4. Read this article on ergonomics for library workers. It offers some useful, practical tips on keyboarding, mousing, eye care, and posture. This article also has some good techniques for reducing "computer stress".

5. How to Live a Low-Stress Lifestyle: Sign up for this free ten-week e-course for plenty of tips on how to decrease stress in your life.

1 comment:

  1. These where all great articles this time around. Good timing also with the changes that the staff are facing very soon.
    Was just wondering if this might be a good time in the process for a REWARD. Was reading an article about rewarding yourself as well as others.
    Why doesn't the Health and Challenge committee give everyone a big Hurrah!!
